Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another glorious day here in Rotorua New Zealand. We're well and truly on autumn's margin and the sky is a marvellous cerulean against foliage just beginning to turn golden. This is always a beautiful time of year. Had coffee with friends at the cafe where my art's on show. The artwork looked great and the cafe owner said people especially liked the tree series I call 'Backlit'. I hung this splatter picture of fantails in the cafe today.
I'd love it if this weather could go on forever but my friend Layla has a DVD store (read my article about MovieTime) and she'll be delighted when winter really kicks in. She can't wait until people want to do nothing but settle in for the night with a movie or three. Added a few lines to my new romance novel so I've gone a bit beyond the 'begin something new' commitment I made a week ago!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Literacy Learning

Had another amazing day today. As part of my long-term plan of going into retirement years with workstreams that are rewarding and interesting, I've been taking part in some adult tutoring programmes. I'm currently enrolled with Literacy Aotearoa and working towards a National Certificate in Adult Literacy Education. Separate from this but related to adult literacy, today I attended the first of a two-day workshop about literacy in the workplace. A really energising day. Very clear and focused facilitating.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Busy day today. Continuing to build up articles for Suite101 - currently writing something about Tirau - the corrugated iron capital of New Zealand. The photo is of the corrugated iron poppies on the cafe where Sarah and I met for a coffee a couple of weeks back to talk about our new roles as co-convenors of the Waikato/BOP NZ Romance Writers group.
No painting done today but managed to fulfil the commitment to begin a new romance novel - just a handful of lines but it's a start! My hero and heroine have names but I can't 'see' them yet. She owns a boutique and he owns the building . . . what might happen to them over the next few months?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Art Exhibition

This afternoon my daughter Angie came to help me hang paintings at Essence Cafe in Ngongotaha. Actually, Angie did most of the work, she being younger and more nimble than I. I stuck price tags on the wall and quivered inside. I guess everyone feels the same when they put their work out for public display. I needed a few more pieces but have very little to work with at the moment and not much time to get anything else done - it will be an interesting week for this learning artist - luckily I'll be too busy working to have much time to angst.

I'm totally new to blogging so be patient with me! Had a fabulous day today. Met up with other romance writers - the first meeting I've managed to get to in several months. The drive from Rotorua to Te Awamutu was made in sunshine all the way. Beautiful countryside and a good friend for company. At the meeting we made commitments to support each other through pieces of significant writing. Inspired by the afternoon, when I returned home I searched back through work begun and abandoned over the last 12 months. I know there's something in there I can expand and I feel a heightened sense of commitment and enthusiasm because of the time shared with other writers.

Tomorrow I look forward to an exciting, nerve-wracking day as I hang paintings for my first solo exhibition. It's just a small show in a cafe but it's released my closet drama queen! I feel as if I'm being hung out to dry along with my art - I can only wait and see.


All material on Art and Writing is owned by Lyn Rasmussen. Permission to republish in print or online must be granted by Lyn Rasmussen in writing.
